When Death Wears Life

Does it rip,
Or does it tear?

Does it snap,
Or does it smash?

Does it stab?
Or does it pierce?

Fall or crush or crumble?

Kill or slay or slash?

Darkness destroy crush break rip
Distort stain mark twist

No other word


The devil triumphs
In stealing life and replacing with death.

We were given a gift of beauty,
But been clouded by corruption so pure
That it tricks with a beauty of falseness,
And an allure built of death.

What should piece together life,
Uniting perfectly in order to divide supremely,
Its every touch now brings death
With its every step corrupted.

Where the bride is now theft
And the groom disregard.
The flowers do not grow
And the gazelles do not leap.

But winter reigns
And scoffing rings.
As Mothers weep, for their daughters are lost,
And Fathers rage, for their sons are held captive

A brokenness unbreakable
For the death is so pure.

The twist on beauty so perfect
That death wears the face of life
And life appears as chaff.

Unadulterated adultery

So that only perfect life
Can cast out perfect death
And only perfect love
Can abolish a slavery to broken beauty.