Truth Amidst the Bramble

There are no lies.
Only truths no one meant to tell,
And truths someone did.
In this is wisdom born.

For truth lies in all things,
Where false scales speak truth,
And a bribe gives honesty.
If the heart can listen well.

We can find the stories,
They didn’t mean to tell
Amidst their meaningless words,
Which themselves hold no truth.

Still, there are no lies.
To this the simple nod,
For to their accepting ears,
All words appear as gospel.

Still, there are no lies.
To this the fool and scoffer laugh,
For in their mouths,
Truth is mist burnt by the sun.

Still, there are no lies.
To this the wise will nod,
For they see truth where it lies,
Sitting in the bramble, waiting to be found.