Here There

I can’t be here, because I’m there.
Perhaps not all of me there.
After all, here I do sit,
But I can’t be here there.

For there is there and here here.
Didn’t we learn that matter does matter?
And no matter the size, the shape, or the scatter
That matter’s just one place, one time.

So that’s settled.
I’m here, not there.
For I can’t be here there.
As such, I am here here.

Aren’t I so clever,
How I pull logic levers.
But damn man.
Just makes it harder being wrong.

I am there.
And I am here.
So how do I live. . .the-ere,
To take a cue from light and be two things so well?

To send myself there,
Without being empty here.
To give indefinitely of my finite,
To be both here and there.